Active |
This application does not need additional settings. So you can make connectionUnique, active service acces point to a network. There are different types of connections (API key, Oauth…). More only by using your login credentials or by following the instructions below . |
This action moduleYou can create, read, update, or delete data with an action module. Action modules are the most common type of module and can be at the beginning, middle, or end of a scenario. There is no limit to the number of action modules in your scenario. extracts files from an archive. These files can be further processed using other apps/modules.
Source file |
Select the file you want to extract. It can be retrieved from a previous moduleThe module is an application or tool within the system. The entire system is built on this concept of modularity. (module - Contacts) More (e.g. Dropbox, email, etc.) |

Adds the desired files to a ZIP or TAR archive.
Source module |
Select the module you want to retrieve the files from. |
Type |
Select whether you want to add files to a ZIP archive or a TAR archive. |
Archive name |
Enter a name for the created archive. Do not add an extension. |
Source file |
Map the source file or select the radiobutton with the file source. |
Data |
Enter the data you want to decompress using the inflate functionFunctions you can use in Integrator - create, update, delete, get, search.. |