Active with remarks
This application needs additional settings. Please follow the documentation below to create your own connection.


WooCommerce modules in Integrator, you can monitor, create, retrieve, update, delete, and search coupons, customers, orders, order notes, products, and product attributes, terms, categories, and variations.

To get started with WooCommerce, you must have a WooCommerce account and a WooCommerce WordPress plugin installed.

Refer to the WooCommerce API documentation for a list of available endpoints.

Connect WooCommerce to Integrator

To connect your WooCommerce account to Integrator,you must generate the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret in your WooCommerce account.

  1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard.

  2. In the left sidebar, click WooCommerce > Settings.

  3. Click on the Advanced tab.

  4. Go to Legacy API, check the Enable the Legacy REST API checkbox, and click Save changes.

  5. Continue to the REST API section and click the Add Key button.

  6. Enter the description of your connection and select the Read/Write option from the permissions drop-down menu.

  7. Click on the Generate API Key button.

  8. When the page refreshes, copy the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret and store them in a safe place.

  9. Log in to your Integrator account, add a WooCommerce module to your scenario, and click Create a connection.

    Note: If you add a module with an instant tag, click Create a webhook, then Create a connection.

  10. In the Consumer Key and Consumer Secret fields, enter the credentials you copied in Step 8.

  11. In the Eshop URL field, enter the URL of your Eshop, including HTTPS. For example,

  12. Click Save.


    SSL must be enabled on your WordPress site.


    Use pretty permalinks. Change the permalinks settings under Settings > Permalinks.

You have successfully established the connection. You can now edit your scenario and add more WooCommerce modules. If your connection requires reauthorization at any point, follow the connection renewal steps here.



New event

Triggers when a coupon, customer, order, or product is created, updated, or deleted.

Webhook name

Enter a name for the webhook. E.g. Order Created Webhook.


Establish a connection to your WooCommerce account.


Select the action that triggers the module.

Watch Coupons

Triggers when a new coupon is created.


Establish a connection to your WooCommerce account.


Set the maximum number of coupons Integrator will return during one cycle.

Watch Customers

Triggers when a new customer is created.


Establish a connection to your WooCommerce account.


Select the specific role of the user you want to retrieve.

I want to watch

Select whether to retrieve only new users or new and updated users.


Set the maximum number of users Integrator will return during one cycle.

Watch Orders

Triggers when a new order is created.


Establish a connection to your WooCommerce account.


Set the maximum number of orders Integrator will return during one cycle.

Watch Products

Triggers when a new product is created.


Establish a connection to your WooCommerce account.


Set the maximum number of products Integrator will return during one cycle.


Create a Coupon

Creates a new coupon.


Establish a connection to your WooCommerce account.


Enter a coupon code.


Enter the amount of discount. Should always be numeric, even if setting a percentage.

Discount type

Select a type of applied discount.


Enter a description for the coupon.

Date expires

Enter the date when the coupon expires. List of supported date formats.

Individual use

If enabled, the coupon can only be used individually. Other applied coupons will be removed from the cart.

Product IDs

Enter product IDs the coupon can be used on.

Excluded product IDs

Enter product IDs the coupon cannot be used on.

Usage limit

Define how many times the coupon can be used (in total).

Usage limit per user

Define how many times the coupon can be used (per customer).

Limit usage to X items

Set a maximum number of items in the cart the coupon can be applied to.

Free shipping

If this option is enabled and if the free shipping method requires a coupon, this coupon will enable free shipping.

Product categories

Select (or map) product categories (IDs) the coupon applies to.

Excluded product categories

Select (or map) product categories (IDs) the coupon doesnot apply to.

Exclude sale items

If this option is enabled the coupon will not be applied to items that have sale prices.

Minimum amount

Enter the minimum order amount that needs to be in the cart before the coupon applies.

Maximum amount

Enter the maximum order amount allowed when using the coupon.

Email restrictions

Enter email addresses that can use this coupon.

Meta data

Enter the key-value metadata for the coupon.

Create a Customer

Creates a new customer.


Establish a connection to your WooCommerce account.


Set the customer login name.


Set the customer password

First name

Enter the customer’s first name.

Last name

Enter the customer’s last name.

Billing address

Enter the billing address properties.

Shipping address

Enter the shipping address properties.

Meta data

Enter the key-value metadata for the coupon.

Create an Order

Creates a new order.


Establish a connection to your WooCommerce account.

Parent Order ID

Enter the parent order ID.


Set the order status.


Select the currency for the order.

Customer ID

Enter the ID of the customer who created the order. 0 = guest.

Customer Note

The note that is left by a customer during checkout.

Billing address

Enter the billing address properties. For the Country field, please use ISO 3166-1 country code.

Shipping address

Enter the shipping address properties. For the Country field, please use ISO 3166-1 country code.

Payment Method

Select one of the payment methods.

Transaction ID

Enter the unique transaction ID.

Line items

Add desired line items. For more details refer to the WooCommerce API documentation.

Shipping Lines

Enter shipping line properties. For more details refer to the WooCommerce API documentation.

Fee Lines

Add fee lines if needed. For more details refer to the WooCommerce API documentation.

Coupon Lines

Enter coupon codes and discount totals.

Set paid

If the option Yes is selected, the order is set as paid. It will set the status to processing and reduce stock items. The default value is set to No.

Meta data

Enter the key-value metadata for the order.

Create an Order Note

Adds a note to the order.


Establish a connection to your WooCommerce account.

Order ID

Enter (map) the ID of the order you want to add a note to.


Enter the content of the note.

Note will be shown to customers

If this option is enabled, the note will be for customers (with notification). If disabled, the note will be set as private – only for your reference.

Create a Product

For more details about WooCommerce products refer to Adding and Managing Products on the WooCommerce documentation site.

Adds a new product.


Establish a connection to your WooCommerce account.


Enter a product name.


Set the product slug for the URL.


Select a product type. Options: simple, grouped, external and variable. Default is simple.


Set the product status by selecting from the drop-down menu.


Select the Yes option to set the product as featured.

Catalog visibility

Select where the created product will be visible.


Enter the product description.

Short description

Enter the short description of the product.


Enter the stock-keeping unit.

Regular price

Enter the regular price of the product.

Sale price

Enter the sale price of the product.

Date on sale from

The start date of the sale price, in the site’s timezone. The list of supported date formats.

Date on sale to

The end date of the sale price, in the site’s timezone. The list of supported date formats.


Select the Yes option if the product is virtual.


Select the Yes option if the product is downloadable.


Add files to be downloaded.

File name

Name of the file that is shown to a customer.

File URL

Enter the URL or absolute path to the file which customers will get access to. URLs should be already encoded.

Download limit

Enter the number of times downloadable files can be downloaded after purchase.

Download expiry

Enter the number of days until access to downloadable files expires.

External URL

Product external URL. Only for external products.

Button text

Button text for the external product. Only for external products.

Tax status

Select whether the taxable status of the product is taxable, shipping or none.

Tax class

Select to tax class of the product.

Stock management at product level

Select whether you want to manage the stock or not.

Stock quantity

Enter the stock quantity (Stock management at product level option must be enabled).

In stock

Select Yes to list the product as in stock, or No to list the product as out of stock on the frontend.


If managing stock, this controls if backorders are allowed.

Sold individually

Select the Yes option to allow one item to be bought in a single order.


Enter the product weight.


Enter the product length, width, and height.

Shipping class

Select the shipping class of the product.

Reviews allowed

Select Yes to allow product reviews.

Up-sell IDs

Enter the IDs of the recommended (up-sells) products.

Cross-sell IDs

Enter the IDs of the products you want to promote in the cart.

Product parent IDs

Enter the product parent ID.

Purchase note

Optional note to send the customer after purchase.


Select product categories.


Add tag(s) to the product.


Add images of the product.

Menu order

Enter the custom ordering position.


Use this to add product attributes (e.g. color, size, etc.).


Enter the key-value metadata for the product

Create Products (batch)

Allows you to create multiple products.


Add one or more products.

Find fields description in the Create a product section above.

Create a Product Variation

Creates a variation of the specified product.


Establish a connection to your WooCommerce account.

Product ID

Enter (map) the ID of the product that you want to create a variation for.

Please find the field descriptions in the Create a product section above.

Delete a coupon

Deletes a specified coupon.


Establish a connection to your WooCommerce account.

Coupon ID

Enter (map) the ID of the coupon you want to delete.

Delete a Customer

Deletes a specified customer.


Establish a connection to your WooCommerce account.

Customer ID

Enter (map) the ID of the customer you want to delete.

Delete an Order

Deletes a specified order.


Establish a connection to your WooCommerce account.

Order ID

Enter (map) the ID of the order you want to delete.

Delete an Order Note

Deletes a specified order.


Establish a connection to your WooCommerce account.

Order ID

Enter (map) the ID of the order that contains a note you want to delete.

Note ID

Enter (map) the ID of the note you want to delete.

Delete a Product

Deletes a specified product.


Establish a connection to your WooCommerce account.

Product ID

Enter (map) the ID of the product you want to delete.

Delete Products (batch)

Deletes multiple products.


Establish a connection to your WooCommerce account.

Product IDs

Add (map) IDs of the products you want to delete.

Delete a Product Variation

Deletes a variation of a specified product.


Establish a connection to your WooCommerce account.

Product ID

Enter (map) the ID of the product that contains a variation you want to delete.

Variation ID

Enter (map) the ID of the variation you want to delete.

Get a Coupon

Retrieves coupon details.


Establish a connection to your WooCommerce account.

Coupon ID

Enter (map) the ID of the coupon you want to retrieve information about.

Get a Customer

Retrieves customer details.


Establish a connection to your WooCommerce account

Customer ID

Enter (map) the ID of the customer you want to retrieve information about.

Get an Order

Retrieves specified order details.


Establish a connection to your WooCommerce account.

Customer ID

Enter (map) the ID of the order you want to retrieve information about.

Get an Order Note

Retrieves specified order note details.


Establish a connection to your WooCommerce account

Order ID

Enter (map) the ID of the order that contains a note you want to retrieve information about.

Note ID

Enter (map) the ID of the note you want to retrieve information about.

Get a Product

Retrieves specified product details.


Establish a connection to your WooCommerce account.

Product ID

Enter (map) the ID of the product you want to retrieve information about.

Get a Product Variation

Retrieves details of a specified product variation.


Establish a connection to your WooCommerce account.

Product ID

Enter (map) or search for the ID of the product that contains a variation you want to retrieve information about.

Variation ID

Enter (map) the ID of the variation you want to retrieve information about.

Update a Coupon

Updates an existing coupon.

Coupon ID

Enter (map) the ID of the coupon you want to modify.

Please find the description of the module fields in the Create a Coupon section.

Update a Customer

Updates customer details.

Customer ID

Enter (map) the ID of the customer whose details you want to modify.

Please find the description of the module fields in the Create a Customer section.

Update an Order

Changes the order details.

Order ID

Enter (map) the ID of the order which details you want to modify.

Please find the description of the module fields in the Create an Order section.

Update an Order Status

Allows you to change the status of a specified order.

Order ID

Enter (map) the ID of the order which status you want to change.


Select a new status of the order.

If the error 404 “Failed to load data” is displayed, try using the Update an Order module to change the order status. The Update an Order Status module is intended for users with custom order status and requires Order Status Manager plugin.


Update a Product

Allows you to modify product details.

Product ID

Enter (map) the ID of the product you want to update.

Please find the description of the module fields in the Create a Product section.

Update Products (batch)

Allows you to modify details of multiple products.


Add the products you want to modify.

Please find the description of the module fields in the Create a Product section.

Update a Product Variation

Allows you to modify details of a product variation.

Product ID

Enter (map) the ID of the product that has a variation you want to update.

Variation ID

Enter (map) the ID of the variation you want to update.


Search for a Customer

Performs a search among customers.


Establish a connection to your WooCommerce account.


Enter the search term.


Filter results by email.


Filter search results by a specific user role.

Number of results

Set the maximum number of returned users.

List Order Notes

Retrieves notes for the specified order.


Establish a connection to your WooCommerce account.

Order ID

Enter the ID of the order you want to retrieve notes from.

List Product Variations

Retrieves variations of the specified product.


Establish a connection to your WooCommerce account.

Product ID

Enter the ID of the product that contains the variations you want to retrieve.

Search for a Coupon

Performs a search for a coupon.


Establish a connection to your WooCommerce account.


Enter the search term.


Filter results by the coupon code.

Number of results

Set the maximum number of returned coupons.

Search for an Order

Performs a search for an order.


Establish a connection to your WooCommerce account.


Enter the search term.

Customer ID

Enter (map) the ID of the customer you want to filter results by.

Product ID

Enter (map) the ID of the product you want to filter results by.


Select the status of the order you want to filter results by.

Number of results

Set the maximum number of returned orders.

Search for a Product

Performs a search for a product based on defined filter settings.


Establish a connection to your WooCommerce account.


Enter the search term.


Enter the product slug you want to filter results by.


Select the category of the product you want to filter results by.


Select the tag of the product you want to filter results by.


Select the status of the product you want to filter results by.


Enter the stock-keeping unit you want to filter results by.

In stock

Select whether you want to search for products that are in stock or not.

On sale

Select whether you want to search for products that are on sale or not.

Featured product

Select whether you want to search for products that are featured or not.

Min price

Enter the minimum price of the searched product.

Max price

Enter the maximum price of the searched product.


Select the attribute and Attribute term of the product.

Number of results

Set the maximum number of returned products.