This application does not need additional settings. So you can make connection only by using your login credentials or by following the instructions below .

Teamwork Desk

Teamwork Desk provides helpdesk ticketing software that allows you to manage customer services, communicate, and improve transparency. You can create, update, and delete tickets, customer data, help doc sites, categories, and articles.


  • A Teamwork Desk account

Getting Started with Teamwork Desk

In order to use Teamwork Desk with Integrator, you must have an Teamwork Desk account. If you do not have one, create an account at

When you create an account for the first time with Teamwork Desk, a site URL is generated. For example, <companyname>/

Connect Teamwork Desk to Integrator

1. Log in to your Teamwork Desk account.

2. From the Dashboard, click the Profile icon in the top-right corner.

3. Go to View Profile > API Keys.


4. Click Create an API Key and select the V1 API Key option.


5. Copy the API Key to the clipboard.

6. Go to Integrator and open the Teamwork Desk module’s Create a connection dialog.

7. Enter your Teamwork Domain and the API Key you have copied in step 5 to the respective field and click the Continue button to establish the connection.


8. The connection is now established.


Watch Events

Triggers when an event related to tickets, customers, agent, threads or inboxes, occurs according to your settings in your Teamwork Desk account.

Setting Up Webhook for New Event Trigger

To set up a new event trigger:

1. Go to Integrator and create a Watch Event Connection module.


2. Copy the URL to the clipboard.


3. Log into your Teamwork Desk account.

4. Click your Profile icon > Settings> Webhooks.


5. Click Create your first webhook or Add Webhook.


6. In the Playload URL field, enter the URL copied in Step 2.

7. In the Content Type field, select the option from the drop-down list appropriately.

8. In the Token field, enter a unique custom password and click Save.

The webhook is then successfully created.

[Note] Note

After creating the webhook, ensure to enable the fields, Active, All Inboxes, and All Events.


List Tickets

Retrieves a list of all tickets.


Establish a connection to your Teamwork Desk account.

Ticket Name

Enter the names of all the tickets to return.

Last Updated

Select the time the ticket was updated.

Sort by

Select the option to sort the list of tickets.

Sort Direction

Select the ascending or descending order in which you want the tickets to be displayed.


Maximum number of tickets Integrator returns for one single scenario execution.

Get Ticket

Gets the details of a ticket.


Establish a connection to your Teamwork Desk account.

Ticket ID

Enter the ticket ID you want to retrieve the details of.

Create Ticket

Creates a new ticket.


Establish a connection to your Teamwork Desk account.

Select or Create Customer

Select the existing customer or create a new customer for the new ticket.


Enter the subject of the ticket.


Enter the content of the ticket.

Inbox ID

Select the Inbox ID for the ticket.


Select the source of the ticket. For example, email or phone


Select the new status to update the ticket. For example, active, or on-hold.


Select the type of ticket. For example, whether the ticket is about a problem or a question.


Select the new priority for the ticket.


Select an assignee for the ticket.


Select whether you want to update the tags or remove the tags.

Notify Customer

When selected, notifies the customer about the ticket.

Show Advanced Settings

When selected, displays the following fields:


Sends a notification about the ticket changes.


Sends a notification about the ticket changes.

Update Ticket

Updates a ticket.


Establish a connection to your Teamwork Desk account.

Ticket ID

Enter a new ID or update the ticket ID.

Customer ID

Enter a new ID or update the customer ID.


Enter a new subject or update the subject of the ticket.


Enter new content or update the content of the ticket.

Inbox ID

Select a new Inbox ID.


Select the new source of the ticket. For example, email or phone


Select the new status. For example, active, or on-hold.


Select the type of ticket. For example, whether the ticket is about a problem or a question.


Select the new priority of the ticket.


Select the new assignee.

Edit or Remove Tags

Select whether you want to update the tags or remove the tags.

Show Advanced Settings

When selected, displays the following fields:


Sends a notification about the ticket changes.


Sends a notification about the ticket changes.

Delete Ticket

Deletes a ticket.


Establish a connection to your Teamwork Desk account.

Ticket ID

Select the ticket ID to be deleted.

Add Reply To Ticket

Adds a reply to the ticket.


Establish a connection to your Teamwork Desk account.

Ticket ID

Select the Ticket ID to which you want to add a reply.


Select or enter the content of the reply to add.


Select the status of the ticket.


Select the name to who the ticket is assigned.


Select if the ticket’s reply is a draft. If selected as draft, the reply is not sent and remains in drafts.


List Customers

Retrieves a list of all customers.


Establish a connection to your Teamwork Desk account.

Search Customers by

Select the option to search the customers by their first name, last name, email address or all.


Maximum number of customers Integrator should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Get Customer

Gets the details of a customer.


Establish a connection to your Teamwork Desk account.

Customer ID

Enter the Customer ID to retrieve the details.

Create Customer

Creates a new customer.


Establish a connection to your Teamwork Desk account.

First Name

Enter the first name of the customer.

Last Name

Enter the last name of the customer.

Email Address

Enter the email address of the customer.

Phone Number

Enter the landline number of the customer.

Mobile Number

Enter the mobile number of the customer.


Enter the company name of the customer.

Job Title

Enter the position title of the customer in the organization.

Facebook URL

Enter the Facebook URL of the organization.

LinkedIn URL

Enter the LinkedIn URL link of the organization.


Enter the location of the customer.


Enter the preferred language of the customer.


Enter the timezone where the customer is available.


Enter the additional information about the customer to be noted.

Update Customer

Updates a customer.


Establish a connection to your Teamwork Desk account.

Customer ID

Enter a new ID or update the existing customer ID.

First Name

Enter a new first name or update the existing first name.

Last Name

Enter a new last name or update the existing last name.

Email Address

Enter a new email address or update the email address of the customer.

Phone Number

Enter a new number or update the existing landline number of the customer.

Mobile Number

Enter a new number or update the existing mobile number of the customer.


Enter a new organization or update the company name of the customer.

Job Title

Enter the new position title of the customer in the organization.

Facebook URL

Enter the Facebook URL of the organization.

Linkedin URL

Enter the LinkedIn URL link of the organization.


Enter a new location or update the existing location of the customer.


Enter a new language or update the existing preferred language of the customer.


Enter a new timezone or update the existing timezone where the customer is available.


Enter new notes or update the additional information about the customer to be noted.

Delete Customer

Deletes a customer.


Establish a connection to your Teamwork Desk account.

Customer ID

Select the Customer ID to be deleted.


List Inboxes

Retrieves a list of all inboxes.


Establish a connection to your Teamwork Desk account.


Maximum number of Inboxes Integrator should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Get Inbox

Gets the details of an inbox.


Establish a connection to your Teamwork Desk account.

Ticket ID

Select the Ticket ID that you want to get the details of.

Create Inbox

Creates a new inbox.


Establish a connection to your Teamwork Desk account.

Inbox Name

Enter a new name for the inbox you want to create.


Select the email address that you want to add the the inbox.

User IDs

Select all the user IDs you want to add to the inbox.

Delete Inbox

Deletes an inbox.


Establish a connection to your Teamwork Desk account.

Inbox ID

Select the Inbox ID to be deleted.


List Helpdocs Sites

Retrieves a list of all helpdocs sites.


Establish a connection to your Teamwork Desk account.


Maximum number of sites Integrator should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Create Helpdocs Site

Creates a new helpdocs site.


Establish a connection to your Teamwork Desk account.


Enter the site name for the new helpdocs site.

Sub Domain

Select the sub domain name for the helpdocs site. The name appears in the URL of helpdocs site. For example, sub domain


Select or enter information about the new helpdocs site.

Get Helpdocs Site

Gets the details of a helpdocs site.


Establish a connection to your Teamwork Desk account.

Helpdocs Site ID

Select the Helpdocs Site ID you want to retrieve the details of.

Update Helpdocs Site

Updates a helpdocs site.


Establish a connection to your Teamwork Desk account.

Helpdocs Site ID

Select the Helpdocs Site ID you want to update.


Select a new name for the helpdocs site.

Sub Domain

Select a new sub domain name.

Authentication Type

Select an authentication type, which is required to update a helpdocs site. For example, administrator or requires a password for updating a helpdocs site.

Publish Site

Select whether you want to publish this helpdocs site.

Show Social Icons

Select whether you want show social icons such as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn in the helpdocs site.

Show Date Last Modified

When selected, displays the date when this helpdocs site was modified.

Edit Method

Select the edit method for the helpdocs site.

Custom Domain URL

Enter a new customer domain URL for this helpdocs site to update.


Enter a new home page URL.

Home Page Link Text

Enter a new home page link text to appear.

Home Page Link Enabled

When enabled, the home page link appears in the site.


Enter information about the helpdocs site.

Show On Home Page

When selected, displays the helpdocs site on the teamwork docs home page.

Language Code

Select the language code for the helpdocs site. For example, the language code for United States is US.

Show Contact Form

When selected, shows the contact form in the helpdocs site.

Logo Image

Select the logo image to appear in the helpdocs site.

Touch Icon

Select the image that appears as a touch icon to click and access the helpdocs site.


Select a favorite icon, such as the website icon, to be updated in the helpdocs site.

Page BG Color

Select the page background color for the helpdocs site.

Header BG Color

Select the background color for the header.

Nav Text Color

Select the color for helpdocs site link.

Nav Active Text Color

Select the color for the helpdocs site link which appears when you try to hover the mouse and click the link.

Article Text Color

Select the color for the article text.

Link Color

Select the color for the site link.

Head Template

Select the header template for the helpdocs site web page.

Footer Template

Select a footer template for the helpdocs site web page.

Article Template

Select the article template to be created in the helpdocs site.

Category Template

Select a new category template for the categories in the helpdocs site.

Home Template

Select the template for the helpdocs site home.

Search Template

Select a template for the search page results in the helpdocs site.

Delete Helpdocs Site

Deletes a helpdocs site.


Establish a connection to your Teamwork Desk account.

Helpdocs Site ID

Select the Helpdocs Site ID you want to delete.

List Categories

Retrieves a list of all categories within a helpdocs site.


Establish a connection to your Teamwork Desk account.

Helpdocs Site ID

Select the Helpdocs Site ID whose categories you want to retrieve.


Maximum number of customers Integrator should return during one scenario execution cycle.

Create Category

Creates a category within a site.


Establish a connection to your Teamwork Desk account.

Helpdocs Site ID

Select the Helpdocs Site ID under where you want to create the category.


Enter the name of the category.


Enter a new word that appears as a final word in the URL. For example, if you have selected a word, agent, then the example URL link is

Display on Doc Homepage

When selected, displays the category on the site homepage.


If any old URL exists for this category, you can enter it so that the teamwork desk matches it and this category appears when any user searches this category with the old URL.

Update Category

Updates a category within a site.


Establish a connection to your Teamwork Desk account.

Helpdocs Site ID

Select the Helpdocs Site ID whose category you want to update.


Enter a new name for the category.


Select a new word that appears as a final word in the URL. For example, if you have selected a word, agent, then the example URL link is

Display on Doc Homepage

When selected, displays the category on the site homepage.


If any old URL exists for this category, you can enter it so that Teamwork Desk matches it and this category appears when any user searches this category with the old URL.

Delete Category

Deletes a category within a site.


Establish a connection to your Teamwork Desk account.

Helpdocs Site ID

Select the Helpdocs Site ID whose category you want to delete.

Category ID

Select the Category ID you want to delete.

List Articles

Retrieves a list of all articles within a category or site.


Establish a connection to your Teamwork Desk account.

List Articles Within

Select the option whose articles you want to list.

Helpdocs Site ID

Select the Helpdocs Site ID whose articles you want to list.


Maximum number of articles Integrator returns during one scenario execution cycle.

Get Article

Gets the details of an article.


Establish a connection to your Teamwork Desk account.

Helpdocs Site ID

Select the Helpdocs Site ID whose article details you want to retrieve.

Article ID

Select the Article ID to retrieve the details.

Update Article

Updates an article.


Establish a connection to your Teamwork Desk account.

Helpdocs Site ID

Select the Helpdocs Site ID whose article you want to update.


Select a new title for the article.


Select a new status of article. For example, draft, published, or unpublished.

Content Body

Enter new content for the article.


Enter a new description for the article.


Select a new word that appears as a final word in the URL. For example, if you have selected a word, agent, then the example URL link is

Display Order (Relevance)

Select an order for the article to be displayed.

Enable Disqus Comment

When enabled, users can comment about this article.

Edit Method

Select a new edit method for the article.

Delete Article

Deletes an article.


Establish a connection to your Teamwork Desk account.

Helpdocs Site ID

Select the Helpdocs Site ID whose article you want to delete.

Article ID

Select the Article ID you want to delete.