system settings can be accessed only by system admins
On the system settingsMain settings of the system that is accessible only by admins. You can change a variety of things here (custom fields, actions and triggers, design, etc.) page, you can find the overall system setup, from the settings of appearance, language, currency, and usersCan use the system on a limited basis based on the rights assigned by the admin. More to the settings of individual menus, where modulesThe module is an application or tool within the system. The entire system is built on this concept of modularity. (module - Contacts) More are made available to specific users and teams.

The system settings page can be accessed from the main desktop in the bottom toolbar by clicking on the settings icon.

ModuleThe module is an application or tool within the system. The entire system is built on this concept of modularity. (module - Contacts) More / AddonTools in system. With them you can customize your workflow to fit your company's needs. They offer a range of features from creating forms and managing projects, to chat functionality and more. Each addon integrates with others, enhancing the overall functionality of your workspace. settings
There are also sections for activated modules/addons in the System Settings. Here you can edit and set additional information and functionsFunctions you can use in Integrator - create, update, delete, get, search..
All modules have their own system settings. In them, you can set custom fieldsA feature in that allows you to define and manage data within each module according to your specific needs. More, labelsA label is a “tag” that can be added to items within a module. It's a flexible tool used to categorize and organize data, making it easier to customize workflows and processes. More, statusesCreate statuses for each module separately to create an ideal environment for efficient and consistent work. More, and more for the modules / addonsTools in system. With them you can customize your workflow to fit your company's needs. They offer a range of features from creating forms and managing projects, to chat functionality and more. Each addon integrates with others, enhancing the overall functionality of your workspace..