Active with remarks
This application needs additional settings. Please follow the documentation below to create your own connection.

Canvas LMS

The Canvas LMS modules allow you to create, update, retrieve, list, and delete the courses, assignments, and submissions in your Canvas LMS account.

Getting Started with Canvas LMS



The module dialog fields that are displayed in bold (in the Integrator scenario, not in this documentation article) are mandatory!

Connect Canvas LMS to Integrator

To connect your Canvas LMS account to Integrator you need to obtain the Access Token from your Canvas LMS account and insert it in the Create a connection dialog in the Integrator module.

  1. Log in to your Canvas LMS account.

  2. Click Account> Settings.

  3. Click New Access Token.

  4. Enter the purpose of the token, select the expiry date for the token, and then click Generate Token.

  5. Copy the token to a safe place.

  6. Log in to your Integrator account, add a module from the Canvas LMS app into an Integrator scenario.

  7. Click Add next to the Connection field.

  8. In the Connection namefield, enter a name for the connection.

  9. In the Canvas Instance Domain field, enter your domain details. For example, <institution> or . You can install Canvas on your own domain or choose an instance name on the domain.

  10. In the Access Token field, enter the token copied in step 5, and click Continue.

The connection has been established.


Search Own Courses

Searches for own courses.


Establish a connection to your Canvas LMS account.

Enrollment Type

Select or map the enrollment type to search only the specified enrollment courses. For example, Teacher.

Enrollment State

Select or map the enrollment status to search only the courses with the specified status. For example, active.

Exclude Blueprint Courses

Select whether you want to exclude the courses that are configured as blueprint courses.

Course State

Select or map the status of the course which you want to search. For example, Completed. By default, the search returns the course with the status, available” for students and observers, and anything except, deleted, for all other enrollment types.

Additional Information to Retrieve

Select or map the additional information options whose information you want to retrieve in the search results.

Search User Courses

Searches for courses of a given user ID.


Establish a connection to your Canvas LMS account.

User ID

Enter (map) the user ID whose courses you want to search.Note: To view the course list for a user other than yourself, you must be either an observer of that user or an administrator.

Enrollment State

Select or map the enrollment status of the course you want to search:

  • Active

  • Invited or Pending

  • Completed

Course State

Select or map the status of the courses you want to search. For example, Completed. By default, the search returns the course with the status, available” for students and observers, and anything except, deleted, for all other enrollment types.

Additional Information

Select or map additional information you want to retrieve about each course.

Only return homeroom courses

Select whether you want to search only the homeroom courses.


Set the maximum number of courses Integrator should return during one execution cycle.

Get a Course

Retrieves an existing course.


Establish a connection to your Canvas LMS account.

Course ID

Select or map the course ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Create a Course

Creates a new course.


Establish a connection to your Canvas LMS account.

Account ID

Select or map the Account ID through which you want to create the course. The default value is self.Note: You must be teacher or observer to create courses for other accounts.


Enter (map) the name of the course.

Course Code

Enter (map) the course code information.

Start At

Enter (map) the start date of the course.

End At

Enter (map) the end date of the course.

Time Zone

Select or map the time zone applicable for the course.


Select or map the applicable license for the course.

Public Description

Enter (map) the description of the course that is publicly visible.

Term ID

Select or map the unique Term ID where you want to create the course.

SIS Course ID

Enter (map) the SIS Course ID for the course.

Integration ID

Enter (map) the Integration ID for the course.

Default View

Select or map the type of page that users will see when they first visit the course. For example, Recent Activity Dashboard.

Grading Standard ID

Select or map the grading Standard ID to be set for the course. If no value is provided for this argument the current grading standard will be un-set from this course.

Grade Passback Setting

Select or map the grade passback setting for the course. For example, Nightly Sync.

Course Format

Select or map the course format:

  • On-Campus

  • Online

  • Blended

Syllabus Body

Enter (map) the syllabus of the course you want to create.

Course Settings

Add the course settings information:

Restrict user enrollments

Select the checkbox if you want to restrict user enrollments to the start and end dates of the course.

Make Course Public

Select whether you want to make the course public to both authenticated and unauthenticated users.

Public Only to Authenticated Users

Select whether you want to make the course public only to authenticated users.

Public Syllabus

Select whether you want to make the course syllabus public.

Public Syllabus to Auth

Select whether you want to make the course syllabus public for authenticated users.

Allow Student Wiki Edits

Select whether you want to allow the students to modify the course wiki.

Allow Wiki Comments

Select whether you want to allow the course members to make comments on wiki pages.

Allow Students Forum Attachments

Select whether you want to allow the students to attach files in forum posts.

Open Enrollment

Select whether you want to make the course an open enrollment course.

Self Enrollment

Select whether you want to make the course a self-enrollment course.

Hide Final Grades

Select whether you want to hide the totals in the student grades summary.

Apply Assignment Group Weights

Select whether you want to add assignment weightage to the final grade.


Select whether you want to offer the course to the students immediately.

Enroll Me

Select whether you want to enroll yourself as the teacher for the course.

Enable SIS Reactivation

Select whether you want to re-activate a deleted course with a matching SIS Course ID if required.

Delete a Course

Deletes an existing course.


Establish a connection to your Canvas LMS account.

Course ID

Select or map the Course ID you want to delete.

Delete or Conclude

Select whether to delete or conclude the course.

Update a Course

Updates an existing course.


Establish a connection to your Canvas LMS account.

Account ID

Select or map the Account ID through which you want to update the course. The default value is self.Note: You must be teacher or observer to update the courses for other accounts.

Course Image ID

Enter (map) the Image ID from course files or provide an image URL in the Course Image URL field.

Course Color

Enter (map) color to be associated with the course in hex code format. For example, #ff5733 .

Course Image URL

Enter (map) the image URL address to be associated with the course.

Course Account ID

Enter (map) the Course Account ID to which you want to move the course.


Enter (map) a new name for the course.

Course Code

Enter (map) the course code information.

Start At

Enter (map) the start date of the course.

End At

Enter (map) the end date of the course.

Time Zone

Select or map the time zone for the course.


Select or map the applicable license for the course.

Public Description

Enter (map) the description of the course that is publicly visible.

Term ID

Select or map the unique Term ID where you want to create the course.

SIS Course ID

Enter (map) the SIS Course ID for the course.

Integration ID

Enter (map) the Integration ID for the course.

Course Event

Select or map the action you want to take for the course:

  • Claim

  • Offer

  • Conclude

  • Delete

  • Undelete

Default View

Select or map the type of page that users will see when they first visit the course. For example, Recent Activity Dashboard.

Grading Standard ID

Select or map the grading Standard ID to be set for the course. If no value is provided for this argument the current grading standard will be un-set from this course.

Grade Passback Setting

Select or map the grade passback setting for the course. For example, Nightly Sync.

Course Format

Select or map the format of the course:

  • On-Campus

  • Online

Sync Enrollments From Homeroom

Enter (map) the details to sync the enrollments from the homeroom that is set in Homeroom Course ID.

Homeroom Course ID

Enter (map) the homeroom course ID to be used with sync enrollments from homeroom.

Course Settings

Add the course settings information:

Restrict user enrollments

Select the checkbox if you want to restrict the user enrollments to the start and end dates of the course.

Syllabus Course Summary

Select whether you want to display the course summary on the syllabus page. The course summary consists of the course’s assignments and calendar events.

Remove Image

Select whether you want to remove the course image URL and Course Image ID.

Make Course Public

Select whether you want to make the course public to both authenticated and unauthenticated users.

Public Only to Authenticated Users

Select whether you want to make the course public only to authenticated users.

Public Syllabus

Select whether you want to make the course syllabus public.

Public Syllabus to Auth

Select whether you want to make the course syllabus public for authenticated users.

Allow Student Wiki Edits

Select whether you want to allow the students to modify the course wiki.

Allow Wiki Comments

Select whether you want to allow the course members to make comments on wiki pages.

Allow Students Forum Attachments

Select whether you want to allow the students to attach files in forum posts.

Open Enrollment

Select whether you want to make the course an open enrollment course.

Self Enrollment

Select whether you want to make the course a self-enrollment course.

Hide Final Grades

Select whether you want to hide the totals in the student grades summary.

Apply Assignment Group Weights

Select whether you want to add assignment weightage to the final grade.


Select whether you want to offer the course to the students immediately.

Enroll Me

Select whether you want to enroll yourself as the teacher for the course.

Enable SIS Reactivation

Select whether you want to re-activate a deleted course with a matching SIS Course ID if required.

Set Course as Blueprint

Select whether you want to set the course as a blueprint course.

Homeroom Course

Select whether you want to set the course as a homeroom course.

Set as Template

Select whether you want to enable or disable the course as a template that can be selected by an account.


Search Assignments

Searches for assignments.


Establish a connection to your Canvas LMS account.

Course ID

Select or map the course ID for which assignments you want to search.

Retrieve Additional Parameters

Select or map the additional assignment parameters you want to retrieve.

Search Term

Enter (map) the partial title of the assignments to search only the assignments that match the specified title.

Override Assignment Dates

Select whether you want to override the dates of the assignment for each assignment that matches the search.

Needs Grading Count by Section

Select whether you want the grading count for each section of the assignment. By default, this is set to false.

Return only assignments posted to SIS

Select whether you want to retrieve only assignments that are posted to SIS.

Order By

Select or map the order for retrieving the assignments:

  • Position

  • Name

  • Due At


Set the maximum number of assignments Integrator should return during one execution cycle.

Get an Assignments

Retrieves an existing assignment.


Establish a connection to your Canvas LMS account.

Course ID

Select or map the Course ID whose assignment details you want to retrieve.

Assignment ID

Select or map the Assignment ID whose details you want to retrieve.

Create an Assignment

Creates an assignment.


Establish a connection to your Canvas LMS account.

Course ID

Select or map the course ID for which you want to create an assignment.


Enter (map) the name of the assignment.

Due At

Enter (map) the date and time at which the assignment is due for submission.For example, select the due date based on the time zone.Note: The due date must be between the lock dates.

Lock At

Enter (map) the lock date at which you want to lock the assignment.Note: The lock date must be after the due date.

Unlock At

Enter (map) the date and time at which you want to unlock the assignment.Note: The unlock date must be before the due date.


Enter (map) the details of the assignment in HTML format.

Group ID

Select or map the Group ID to which you want to add the assignment. For example, assignments, essays.By default, the assignment will be added to the top assignment group in the course.

Assignment Group Category ID

Select or map the Assignment Group Category ID for the assignment.

Grade Group Students Individually

Enter (map) whether you want to grade the students individually for the assignment. As a teacher, you can manually assign scores to each member of the group.


Enter (map) the position of the assignment in the group when displaying the assignment lists.

Submission Types

Select the submission type for the assignment:

  • Online Quiz

  • None

  • On Paper

  • Discussion Topic

  • External Tool

Supported Types

Select or map the supported formats for the assignment. For example, online URL address.

Annotable Attachment ID

Select or map the annotable Attachment ID of the assignment.

Allowed Extensions

Add the supported file extensions for the assignment.

Integration Data

Enter (map) the data used for SIS integrations. This field requires an admin-level token with the Manage SIS permission.

Integration ID

Enter (map) the unique third-party Integration ID for the assignment.

Points Possible

Enter (map) the maximum points allowed for the assignment.

Grading Type

Select the grading type for the assignment:

  • Pass/Fail

  • Percent

  • Letter Grade

  • GPA Scale

  • Points

  • Not Graded

Grading Standard ID

Select or map the Grading Standard ID to be set for the assignment.Note: If no value is provided for this argument the current Grading Standard will be un-set from this course. This will update the grading type for the course to Letter Grade unless it is already GPA Scale.

Grader Count

Enter (map) the maximum number of provisional graders who may issue grades for this assignment. Enter a value between 1 and 10.Note: Must be a positive value, and must beSet to 1 if the course has fewer than two active instructors.Otherwise, the maximum value is the number of active instructors in the course minus one, or 10 if the course has more than 11 active instructors.

Final Grader ID

Select or map the final Grader ID responsible for choosing final grades for this assignment. Only relevant for moderated assignments.

Allowed Attempts

Enter (map) the number of submission attempts allowed for this assignment.Note: Set this value to -1 for unlimited attempts.

Assignment Settings

Add the assignment settings information:

Turnitin Enabled

Select whether you want the assignment to be uploaded through the Turnitin plugin.Note: This requires the Turnitin plugin to be enabled for a course.

VeriCite Enabled

Select whether you want the assignment to be uploaded through the VeriCite plugin.Note: This requires the VeriCite plugin to be enabled for a course.

Peer Reviews

Select whether you want to have peer reviews for the assignment submitted.

Notify on Update

Select whether you want to notify the students when there is an update on the assignment created.

Publish Assignment

Select whether you want to publish the assignment created.Note: Unpublished assignments are not visible to students.

Omit From Final Grade

Select whether to omit this assignment from the final grades of the students.

Quiz LTI

Select if the assignment created requires quizzes 2 LTI tool.

Moderated Grading

Select if the assignment created is moderated or not.

Grader Comments Visible to Graders

Select whether the provisional graders’ comments are visible to other provisional graders for the assignment created.Note: Only for moderated assignments.

Graders Anonymous to Graders

Select whether the provisional graders’ are hidden from other provisional graders for the assignment created.

Graders Names are Visible to Final Grader

Select whether the provisional graders’ names are visible to the final grader for the assignment created.Note: Only for moderated assignments.

Anonymous Grading

Select whether the assignment is graded anonymously for the assignment created.Note: If selected Yes, graders cannot see student identities.

Update an Assignment

Updates an existing assignment.


Establish a connection to your Canvas LMS account.

Course ID

Select or map the Course ID whose assignment details you want to update.

Assignment ID

Select or map the assignment ID you want to update.


Enter (map) a new name for the assignment.

Due At

Enter (map) the date and time at which the assignment is due for submission.For example, select the due date based on the time zone.Note: The due date must be between the lock dates.

Lock At

Enter (map) the lock date at which you want to lock the assignment.Note: The lock date must be after the due date.

Unlock At

Enter (map) the date and time at which you want to unlock the assignment.Note: The unlock date must be before the due date.


Enter (map) the details of the assignment in HTML format.


Enter (map) the position of the assignment in the group when displaying assignment lists.

Submission Types

Select the submission type for the assignment:

  • Online Quiz

  • None

  • On Paper

  • Discussion Topic

  • External Tool

Group ID

Select or map the Group ID to which you want to add the assignment. For example, assignments, essays.By default, the assignment will be added to the top assignment group in the course.

Allowed Attempts

Enter (map) the number of submission attempts allowed for this assignment.Note: You can set this to -1 for unlimited attempts.

SIS Assignment ID

Enter (map) the SIS Assignment ID for the assignment.

Integration Data

Enter (map) the data used for SIS integrations. This field requires an admin-level token with the Manage SIS permission.

Grading Standard ID

Select or map the Grading Standard ID to be set for the assignment.Note: If no value is provided for this argument the current Grading Standard will be un-set from this course. This will update the grading type for the course to Letter Grade unless it is already GPA Scale.

Grader Count

Enter (map) the maximum number of provisional graders who may issue grades for this assignment. Enter a value between 1 and 10.Note: Must be a positive value, and must beSet to 1 if the course has fewer than two active instructors.Otherwise, the maximum value is the number of active instructors in the course minus one, or 10 if the course has more than 11 active instructors.

Final Grader ID

Select or map the final Grader ID responsible for choosing final grades for this assignment. Only relevant for moderated assignments.

Integration ID

Enter (map) the unique third-party Integration ID for the assignment.

Assignment Group Category ID

Select or map the Assignment Group Category ID for the assignment.

Points Possible

Enter (map) the maximum points allowed for the assignment.

Grading Type

Select the grading type for the assignment:

  • Pass/Fail

  • Percent

  • Letter Grade

  • GPA Scale

  • Points

  • Not Graded

Assignment Settings

Add the assignment settings information:

Turnitin Enabled

Select whether you want the assignment to be uploaded through the Turnitin plugin.Note: This requires the Turnitin plugin to be enabled for a course.

VeriCite Enabled

Select whether you want the assignment to be uploaded through the VeriCite plugin.Note: This requires the VeriCite plugin to be enabled for a course.

Peer Reviews

Select whether you want to have peer reviews for the assignment submitted.

Notify on Update

Select whether you want to notify the students when there is an update on the assignment created.

Publish Assignment

Select whether you want to publish the assignment created.Note: Unpublished assignments are not visible to students.

Omit From Final Grade

Select whether to omit this assignment from the final grades of the students.

Quiz LTI

Select if the assignment created requires quizzes 2 LTI tool.

Moderated Grading

Select if the assignment created is moderated or not.

Grader Comments Visible to Graders

Select whether the provisional graders’ comments are visible to other provisional graders for the assignment created.Note: Only for moderated assignments.

Graders Anonymous to Graders

Select whether the provisional graders’ are hidden from other provisional graders for the assignment created.

Graders Names are Visible to Final Grader

Select whether the provisional graders’ names are visible to the final grader for the assignment created.Note: Only for moderated assignments.

Anonymous Grading

Select whether the assignment is graded anonymously for the assignment created.Note: If selected Yes, graders cannot see student identities.

Delete an Assignment

Deletes an existing assignment.


Establish a connection to your Canvas LMS account.

Course ID

Select or map the Course ID whose assignment you want to delete.

Assignment ID

Select or map the Assignment ID you want to delete.


Get a Submission

Retrieves an existing submission from the user.


Establish a connection to your Canvas LMS account.

Course ID

Select or map the Course ID whose submissions you want to retrieve.

User ID

Select or map the User ID whose submissions you want to retrieve.

Include Additional Information

Select or map the additional information parameters you want to include in the result.

Create a Submission

Creates a submission.


Establish a connection to your Canvas LMS account.

Course ID

Select or map the Course ID whose assignment submission you want to create.

Assignment ID

Select or map the Assignment ID for which you want to create a submission.


Enter (map) a message for the submission.

User ID

Enter (map) the User ID on whose behalf you are creating the submission.

Submitted At

Enter (map) the date and time when the submission is being created.

Submission Type

Select or map the submission type for the assignment. For example, Online Entry.

Submission URL

Enter (map) the assignment submission as a URL address. The URL scheme must be http or https, no ftp or other URL schemes are allowed.

Upload a File to Submission

Uploads a new file to submission.


Establish a connection to your Canvas LMS account.

Course ID

Select or map the Course ID for whose submission you want to upload a file.

Assignment ID

Select or map the Assignment ID to which you want to upload a file to the submission.

Source File

Add the file information:

File Name

Enter (map) a name for the file. including the file extension. For example, image.png.

File Data

Enter (map) the file data.

File Size

Enter (map) the file size in bytes.

On Duplication Action

Select or map the option to perform if there a duplicate file exists in the assignment submission:

  • Overwrite

  • Rename

Mark a Submission as Read

Marks an existing submission as read.


Establish a connection to your Canvas LMS account.

Course ID

Select or map the Course ID whose assignment submissions you want to mark as read.

Assignment ID

Select or map the Assignment ID whose submission you want to mark as read.

User ID

Select or map the User ID whose submission you want to mark as read.

Mark a Submission as Unread

Marks an existing submission as unread.


Establish a connection to your Canvas LMS account.

Course ID

Select or map the Course ID whose assignment submissions you want to mark as unread.

Assignment ID

Select or map the Assignment ID whose submission you want to mark as unread.

User ID

Select or map the User ID whose submission you want to mark as unread.


Make an API Call

Performs an arbitrary authorized API Call.


Establish a connection to your Canvas LMS account.


Enter a path relative to For example: /v1/courses


For the list of available endpoints, refer to the Canvas LMS API Documentation.


Select the HTTP method you want to use:


to retrieve information for an entry.


to create a new entry.


to update/replace an existing entry.


to make a partial entry update.


to delete an entry.


Enter the desired request headers. You don’t have to add authorization headers; we already did that for you.

Query String

Enter the request query string.


Enter the body content for your API call.

Example of Use – List Courses

The following API call returns all the courses from your Canvas LMS account:






Matches of the search can be found in the module’s Output under Bundle > Body.

In our example, 2 courses were returned:
