Understanding records in Boost.space
The content of the spacesSubunits are created within modules to maintain organization and clarity, even with large amounts of data. More are the recordsOne row in the Boost.space database. These are individual rows under spaces in each module. For example single products, but not their variants. More themselves. As with spaces, it always depends on the specific moduleThe module is an application or tool within the Boost.space system. The entire system is built on this concept of modularity. (module - Contacts) More, in which records are involved and what functionFunctions you can use in Boost.space Integrator - create, update, delete, get, search. they perform.
UsersCan use the system on a limited basis based on the rights assigned by the admin. More who have access to the specific spaceSubunits are created within modules to maintain organization and clarity, even with large amounts of data. More in which the records are located can create and manage the records.
Examples of records:
Records contain all relevant information related to the module and the space in which it is located.
- module Products → space Product list → records Product (e.g. cola drink)
- module Tasks → space Todolist → records Task (e.g. update database)
- module Contacts → space Contact list→ records Contact (e.g. Michal Novák)
The records represent different roles in the modulesThe module is an application or tool within the Boost.space system. The entire system is built on this concept of modularity. (module - Contacts) More, for example:
- The Order records (module “Orders”) contains all information from the creation of an order to its successful completion;
- The Event records (module “Calendar”) carries information about the created event, its membersCan view and manage items while using existing statuses and labels. More, and dates.
Different views on records
How records are displayed depends on different approaches according to the roles of the records.
The most common view of the records is in the form of a table in which you can filter the columns, use the filter panel, sort according to predefined designs, and much more.
Tasks – Gantt Chart & Kanban Board
These views are available within the Tasks moduleOne of the modules of the Boost.space system. In this module, you can easily manage your business tasks. after clicking on the arrow under the Organize section. Gantt chart is used to display the timeline, Kanban Board is used to display the tasks as a bulletin board.
Tasks – list view
Tasks have a list view (table view) different from other modules – it can be split into two pages for more efficient work with records.